Parents Lane

The policy for the first lane is as follows.  This lane is an un-coached parents’ lane, swimmers to co-ordinate the lane themselves.  A coach will only be present if one available, they are there solely for co-ordination and guidance and specifically not for delivering of a training session.

The Parents Lane to be solely used by parents of current swimmers of the club along with coaching staff’

Anyone enquiring to join this lane must go through the point of contact – Lynn Shepherd, Club Secretary.


The criteria for admittance to the parents’ lane will be by ability testing.

The ability test will be undertaken by either Guy Fawkes, Head Coach or Alister Wrigley, Head Junior Teacher.

This test comprises of the swimmer being able to swim four continuous lengths of two strokes plus the ability to swim a third type of stroke.  (fly, back, breast, crawl).

There to be a maximum of not more than 10 swimmers in a lane.

Lynn to inform Guy and Alister when the communication to attend is forwarded to the swimmer.

Individuals wishing to move into the masters’ lane to speak to Guy Fawkes in the first instance, then for an assessment to take place and the Masters criteria provided.